Saturday, September 28, 2013


{First day of soccer.}

So when we got the fall sports catalog in the mail from our local city sports and recreation center I asked B what he wanted to play. His options were soccer, t-ball, basketball, and football; he told me that he wanted to play soccer and basketball. Dad is a football fan while baseball is my sport of choice so I tried to sway B's decision. About an hour later I ask him again and he tells me soccer. He then follows his selection by saying, "Barry plays soccer too..." Barry is the hubs' best friend and we had just visited him. During our visit Barry had a soccer game, needless to say B is pretty enamored by Barry.

B started tiny tot soccer about two weeks ago. Do you have any idea how cute it is to see about 10-15 two to three year olds attempt to play some soccer?!?! They don't actually play a soccer game, though that might be hysterical and mind-numbingly cute, but they do do some soccer drills and learn skills like passing and dribbling and throwing the soccer ball. B is pretty good for a three year old, he knows how to pass (kick the ball), dribble, and how to score. I wish this was a year long or least 6 month kind of thing but its not. 

Next sport on our list, Basketball! :)


{Working on some dribbling.}

{Listening to his coach give directions.}

{Learning how to do a big overhead throw.}

 {Taking a break.}

{My little soccer stud and I.}

Friday, September 27, 2013

how to ruin a perfectly fabulous trip to San Francisco

{At the Oakland Raiders game.}

The hubs and I just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary (yay!). So, trying to step up and be the coolest wife ever, I bought him second-row-from-the-field Oakland Raiders tickets. (Side note: I am not a Raiders fan, I like the Seahawks and my team is the NY Football Giants, but I am trying to be a good wife.)  Anyhow, the game we attended fell on the weekend immediately after our anniversary. The hubs and I were running late, as we usually are, and by the time we get there the stadium parking is full. (Side note #2: How are you going to build a stadium that barely fits ANY cars! The game was not even close to being sold out!) So we drive around for about 20 minutes looking for parking that we don't have to pay $30 for and decide on the free overflow parking that the stadium suggests. 

I go to grab my bag and the hubs tells me that I can't bring my bag in. Apparently this past year the NFL implemented a new bag policy where you can not bring a bag into the stadium unless it is a clutch or clear. Let's be honest here, where does one even buy a clear plastic purse anymore??? Need a diaper bag, oh... that has to be clear too. Really NFL? Really??? A little peeved, I remove my drivers license and check card from my wallet and lock it into the glove box. I hide my empty bag, which happens to be this really cool black nylon cross-body diaper bag that I JUST got, underneath the seat, and throw my camera into the glove box. We walk over to the game.

{After the game.}

The game was pretty fun. The crowd is a little rowdy, but the Raiders won. I even made the comment that even though I am in no way, shape, or form, a Raider's fan, I wouldn't mind going to another game. Plus, you have to appreciate a team that has such devout fans. 

Well, that thought faded pretty darn fast.

We got back to our car, unlocked the door, and got in. I noticed that my glove box handle was broken, and the hubs; a Ford guy, started cracking the typical Chevy's-are-a-piece-of-crap jokes. I went to grab my bag from under the seat and it was gone. I open the center console; camera, gone. Oh yeah, my wallet, gone too.  Some ass-hat broke into our car and stole my stuff. 

I was mad, sad, and feeling slightly violated. My wallet really had nothing in it except for pictures and $4 cash and my bag, albeit new, was empty except for some strawberry hand lotion, lip balm, and hand sanitizer. The camera was an outdated point-and-shoot. What makes me the most mad, I wish my SD card from the camera was left behind... Those are my memories, what I would give to at least get that SD card back.

This is why A) I will never go to another NFL game until the bag policy changes again and B) one of the reasons why the Oakland Raiders and their fans have such a negative rep.  Occurrences like this just put a really ill taste in your mouth and really put a damper on something that is supposed to be really fun.

{Our view from our room, night & day.}
We had booked a hotel for the night in San Francisco for after the game and we almost just went home as we were feeling pretty defeated. Luckily we went to the city and stayed in an amazing place. Hotel Nikko is situated around Union Square and so graciously upgraded us to a suite in one of their Imperial rooms on the second to the top floor. The room was amazing as was the views. We will definitely be staying here again. We ended up walking around Union Square and bringing pizza back to our room that night. The only thing that kept the whole anniversary trip from being ruined was the hotel. Thank you Hotel Nikko for salvaging a pretty awful situation!

The next day was definitely better, we went to the Ferry Building Marketplace and picked up some great things from the Miette bakery and from Sur la Table and headed home to be reunited with B. That evening B started his very first day of tot soccer, which I will post about later. :)

{Us at the marketplace... Happy Anniversary to us!}

Friday, September 13, 2013

today is a special day, part two.

Reason number three today is a special day: It is my best friend's birthday.

My best friend, H, is completely amazing. She is one of the only people who 'gets' me and I am pretty sure that feeling goes in both directions. She is an amazing mother, a loving girlfriend, and the best friend a girl could ask for. We have had plenty of adventures, laughs, and cake eating... What is a best friend if you do not do your fair share of cake eating?!? Another bonus: I can order pizza without consulting her first because I know she is the only other person who likes pineapple on their pizza.

Ham, I hope you have the greatest, bestest, most wonderfullest birthday in the history of birthdays. I love you lots and lots and will see you later for a chow down which includes cake, duh.

{The perfect BFF: Posing with statues of bears with fruit on their heads.}

{The perfect BFF: Frequent concert going. Rascal Flatts, 2006.}

{Kenny Chesney, 2007}

{Kenny Chesney, 2007.}

{Brooks and Dunn, 2010.}

{The perfect BFF: Random selfies.}

{The perfect BFF: Holiday Parties.}

{The perfect BFF: Appreciating a good plate of nachos.}

{The perfect BFF: Feeding small hounds Doritos while drunk.}

{The perfect BFF: Resourcefulness when it comes to cake eating.}

{The perfect BFF: Frequent trips to one of your favorite places on earth.}

In honor of Hamson turing the big 2-7, I am sharing my favorite chocolate cake recipe courtesy of the Barefoot Contessa.

Butter and flour for greasing the pan
1 3/4 cups all-pupose flour
2 cups sugar
3/4 cups cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup buttermilk*
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 extra-large eggs, room temperature**
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup of freshly brewed hot coffee***

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour two 8" round cake pans and line the bottom with parchment paper.****

2. Combine all dry ingredients and mix in an electric mixer.

3. In a separate bowl, mix all wet ingredients with the exception of the coffee and add to dry mixture. Mix on a low speed until combine and then pour in your coffee. (The batter will be runny and that is absolutely okay, I promise.)

4. Pour into prepared pans and bake for 30-40 minutes.

5. Cool in the pans for 30 minutes than turn them out and let them completely cool on a wire rack.

6. Frost accordingly. :)

*In my opinion using the real deal buttermilk instead of the milk & vinegar or milk & lemon option makes it taste better.
**I have always used large eggs instead of extra-large eggs with this recipe and it always turns out great.
***Hot coffee is the key here so do not omit it! I promise you won't really be able to taste it and it brings out the chocolate flavor of the cake. (And that is coming from someone who is not a coffee fan.)
****This recipe can also be used for cupcakes. It will make roughly 2 dozen cupcakes. They should only bake for about 30 minutes, maybe even less. I baked them for 40 minutes and dried them out a little bit. :(

I have not found a chocolate frosting recipe that I am completely in love with yet. Today I am going to try Williams Sonoma chocolate buttercream recipe. It can be found here.

I'll update later with how that recipe turns out. 

And here's the update:

So the chocolate frosting recipe isn't too bad. Still not my fave but it was good for B's birthday bash. It is super duper sweet... Almost too sweet to use on chocolate cake. And, it makes a TON of frosting. I used the recipe to frost H's cupcakes and then froze the rest to frost B's cupcakes for his birthday and I still threw out like half of the frosting! I recommend cutting the recipe in half.

That being said, I am still on the hunt for good frosting recipes. If you have one please share it in the comments! 

today is a special day, part one.

Today is a very special day for three important reasons, therefore this post must be done in two posts because they deserve it! 

First, today was the day that B was originally due. He politely decline eviction and consequently was born five days later. I was just happy that he was finally out. So, happy almost-birthday B! 

Reason number two that today is a special day is that it is the day the hubs and I got hitched. It has been an exciting five years filled with love, caring, and understanding. It has been filled with adventures and its ups & downs and I would not trade it for anything. 

To celebrate, I am posting some of my fave S & N pics as well as some of my fave wedding pics.

{Engagement Pictures, 2008}

{San Francisco Trip, 2006-ish)

{Wedding, 2008}

{What a gorgeous group of people...}

{My favorite girls.}

{Brooks & Dunn, 2010. I was 20 weeks pregnant.}

Happy five years mister. I love you more than you will ever know. :)

On behalf of our anniversary I am going to share one of his favorite recipes: Garlic Chicken Pizza. I have to run out the door so i'll update this one later. Stay tuned....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

lately through the camera roll

Forewarning: Since I have been gone so long this is going to be a little picture heavy... 
But, they are cute pictures. :)

{1. B at a hockey game looking rather studly.}
{2. Violet deciding that my head is a good place to sleep.}

{3. Typical small hound.}
{4. Mine & B's great thrift shop score.}

{5. Grumpy B at his friend's pirate themed birthday party.}
{6. The view in my rearview mirror a few weeks ago.}

{7. Target fun.}
{8. Cutest sign holder ever.}

{9. Two of my fave guys.}
{10. My first freshly picked flower from B.}

{11. B after a late night of partying.}
{12. Beach Day.}

{13. Backseat (well drivers seat) drivers.}
{14. I just found this... I am pretty sure B took this of my BFF.}

{15. Lil.}
{16. Morning with Big Tim.}

{17. Apparently pizza dough on your eye is fun.}
{18. Late night dinner with the coolest kid I know.}

{19. Me & B.}
{20. Catching the Octonauts at the mall.}

{21. B's first Subway sandwich...}