Tuesday, June 25, 2013

the easy-peasy breakfast sandwich

I wanted to share this recipe that I had originally saw on Pinterest to anyone who may come across this blog! As I mentioned in a previous post, B, the dogs, and I are all pretty late morning risers; B usually doesn't get up until 9:30 or 10.  The hubs works 12 hours day that have, as of lately, been starting at 7, so he gets up around 5 or 5:30.  In an attempt to be a pretty darn good housewife I decided that I would make him these breakfast sandwiches and freeze them so he wouldn't be stuck with cereal every morning for a quick breakfast.

The original recipe called for english muffins, eggs, canadian bacon, and cheese.  The first week I made them I substituted sausage for canadian bacon and bagels for english muffins.  The hubs informed me that the bagels were too thick for re-warming in the microwave because by the time the bagels were warm the cheese was completely dissolved. The next week, I reverted back to the english muffin and I am pretty sure they ended up perfect!

I like this recipe because it can be pretty versatile. You could use bacon, canadian bacon, sausage, or even chicken. I am sure egg whites can be substituted for eggs and you could use biscuits, english muffins, or even pancakes if you prefer!

You can make and freeze as many as you like, I make 3 or 4 at a time depending on my husbands work week so that is what my recipe reflects. The pictures are me making two because I was only a half-good housewife this week. :)

The Easy-Peasy Breakfast Sandwich


4 Eggs
4 English muffins
4 slices of Sausage (I use the Jimmy Dean All Natural Sausage roll)
4 slices of Cheese
Salt & Pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. While the oven is heating prepare your eggs. Grease 4 ramekins with some vegetable oil and place the ramekins on a baking sheet. Crack one egg into each ramekin, break the yolk with a fork, and season with salt and pepper. When the oven is ready pop those babies into the oven for about 12-15 minutes.

3. For the last 5 to 10 minutes that the eggs are baking, start cooking the sausage. I cut a slice about 1/2 to 3/4 inches thick and then smash them thin while cooking on the pan. They should be about the same circumference as the english muffin.

4. While the sausages are cooking pop the english muffins in the toaster.

5. Then you can start putting your sandwiches together. Don't forget the cheese! Also, be careful taking the eggs out of the ramekins. The ramekins are super duper hot and are slippery if you are trying to turn them over while wearing an oven mitt!

6. After the sandwiches are put together, stick a toothpick through them so they stay together (just don't forget to remove them before eating!), put them in a plastic zip lock baggie, and toss them in the freezer.

7 When you are ready to enjoy, pop them in the microwave for about a minute and a half or more, and enjoy! :)

(I just had to share my super cute kissing dachshund salt and pepper shakers...)

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