Tuesday, June 25, 2013

the easy-peasy breakfast sandwich

I wanted to share this recipe that I had originally saw on Pinterest to anyone who may come across this blog! As I mentioned in a previous post, B, the dogs, and I are all pretty late morning risers; B usually doesn't get up until 9:30 or 10.  The hubs works 12 hours day that have, as of lately, been starting at 7, so he gets up around 5 or 5:30.  In an attempt to be a pretty darn good housewife I decided that I would make him these breakfast sandwiches and freeze them so he wouldn't be stuck with cereal every morning for a quick breakfast.

The original recipe called for english muffins, eggs, canadian bacon, and cheese.  The first week I made them I substituted sausage for canadian bacon and bagels for english muffins.  The hubs informed me that the bagels were too thick for re-warming in the microwave because by the time the bagels were warm the cheese was completely dissolved. The next week, I reverted back to the english muffin and I am pretty sure they ended up perfect!

I like this recipe because it can be pretty versatile. You could use bacon, canadian bacon, sausage, or even chicken. I am sure egg whites can be substituted for eggs and you could use biscuits, english muffins, or even pancakes if you prefer!

You can make and freeze as many as you like, I make 3 or 4 at a time depending on my husbands work week so that is what my recipe reflects. The pictures are me making two because I was only a half-good housewife this week. :)

The Easy-Peasy Breakfast Sandwich


4 Eggs
4 English muffins
4 slices of Sausage (I use the Jimmy Dean All Natural Sausage roll)
4 slices of Cheese
Salt & Pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. While the oven is heating prepare your eggs. Grease 4 ramekins with some vegetable oil and place the ramekins on a baking sheet. Crack one egg into each ramekin, break the yolk with a fork, and season with salt and pepper. When the oven is ready pop those babies into the oven for about 12-15 minutes.

3. For the last 5 to 10 minutes that the eggs are baking, start cooking the sausage. I cut a slice about 1/2 to 3/4 inches thick and then smash them thin while cooking on the pan. They should be about the same circumference as the english muffin.

4. While the sausages are cooking pop the english muffins in the toaster.

5. Then you can start putting your sandwiches together. Don't forget the cheese! Also, be careful taking the eggs out of the ramekins. The ramekins are super duper hot and are slippery if you are trying to turn them over while wearing an oven mitt!

6. After the sandwiches are put together, stick a toothpick through them so they stay together (just don't forget to remove them before eating!), put them in a plastic zip lock baggie, and toss them in the freezer.

7 When you are ready to enjoy, pop them in the microwave for about a minute and a half or more, and enjoy! :)

(I just had to share my super cute kissing dachshund salt and pepper shakers...)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

sesame street live: can't stop singing

(B & I {and my lovely PPB Buttercream Cake diaper bag})

I have been wanting to take B to see Elmo/Sesame Street Live for some time now.  He has recently really gotten into Sesame Street, like, it is an integral part of our morning routine.  B loves to have breakfast and drink milk while watching Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, which is nice for me because it gives me time to get things done or lie around in bed for a little while longer with the girls (we are late morning risers in our household). 

Anyhow, a few months ago I got an email from Ticketmaster giving me a pre-sale code for Sesame Street Live: Can't Stop Singing.  I wanted to buy the tickets then but held out- I held out a little too long because by the time I wanted to buy them I was informed that it was no longer in our budget. I was sad because I really wanted to take B, but at the same time I figured it would just be like the two times I took B to see Disney on Ice, which only kept his attention for about half the show and then he would be totally over it. Shortly after, my husband planned a week long trip to Costa Rica- I thought it was only fair that if the hubs and I were going to Costa Rica and leaving B home, we should buy him some Sesame Street Live tickets.  So I got the blessing and the credit card and purchased them.

Today was the big day. B woke up this morning informing me that we were going to see Elmo today, clearly he was pretty excited! Sesame Street Live was totally and completely amazing, by far better than Disney on Ice. We were advised to buy seats in the aisle on the floor as the characters come up and down the aisle and interact with the kids, unfortunately our aisle was the ONLY aisle that wasn't visited by characters. Floor seats were only about $40 after fees and taxes, however, if you have a really big Sesame Street lover it is DEFINITELY worth the $70 for front row seats as they get the most character interaction for the Can't Stop Singing show. The characters are bright and colorful and the costumes were pretty awesome. B was entertained for the WHOLE show; he laughed, danced, asked me a ton of questions (his favorite being "Where did {Elmo, Abby, Zoey, Cookie Monster...} go?"), answered questions that were asked of the crowd, and just had an all around great time.

(We were about 8 or 9 rows from the stage)

Grandma came with us to the show because the hubs had to work and of course B scored lots of loot including a giant Elmo, an Elmo balloon, and a Sesame Street soccer ball.  The tunes were actually pretty catchy for kids tunes and I bought the CD for the car.  I guess coming from a household where the extent of kid music played is the Wheels on the Bus (over and over and over again), it's nice to change it up.  We got to the show early so B could have fun in the Sesame Street Live Fun Zone and took pictures with cut-outs of all the different characters.

(B & I in the Sesame Street Fun Zone before the show.)

I am kinda sad that the hubs had to work, I really wish he was there to see B have such a good time. I even told him that it was probably the most fun I have ever seen B have.  That being said I hope B continues on the Sesame Street kick until we have the opportunity to catch another live show because my heart was pretty happy seeing B so excited and I really want his daddy to have that experience with him.


(Before: He was so excited that he couldn't even sit still. After: He couldn't even stay awake for the ride home)

well, hello there!

Hi there and welcome to my new blog! If you don't know me, i'm Sheri and I am glad you found your way over to my small corner of the world!

If you already know about my little family then you can probably skip over the next part but I wanted to let y'all know a little about me.  I live in sunny, wonderful California with my dear husband, amazing two year-old son, and our three dogs; two of whom this blog is named for. I previously had another blog that focused on my ever growing son but wanted to expand it to include a little bit of all of us.

I am a mess of things. I love school and have a bachelor of arts in History, hopefully I can continue on to receive a masters degree. I love to craft and have been known to take on more crafts than I possibly have time to finish. I love to cook and try out new recipes with desserts being my absolute favorite thing to make. I spend most of my days with my son whom I love more than life itself.  Some of my day is also consumed by hound cuddling... Can't say it's a bad way to spend my days.


B is my two year old son/sidekick/shopping & craft partner. He is a super friendly, super sweet, super trendy kinda guy. His loves include trips to the park, shopping at Target (which he will gladly point out anytime that store is passed by), reading books, fire trucks, garbage trucks, airplanes, trains, his "hound" (Lily), Sesame Street, art, his blankie, Starbucks, and snack time.

Lily Lovemuffin is my first ever dog and was given to me by my husband as an early Christmas present in 2006.  I have been hers since she was six weeks old.  She is unlike any dachshund I have ever met and I honestly think that she thinks she is a person. She rarely associates herself with the other dogs and only wants to be with people, she is too good to sleep on the floor unless there is some sort of sun bathing involved, and she is sneaky (which IS a dachshund trait). She sleeps under the covers at night and sometimes requires the use of a pillow for her little head. She also loves treats and naps.

Violet Grey is the newest addition to our family and she just turned one in May.  My husband calls her Karen- like from the cougar that jumps out of the backseat in the movie Talladega Nights, the Ballad of Ricky Bobby. Karen describes her perfectly, she is the monster of all monsters at home but a sweet angel around everyone else. She loves to terrorize her sister and use Timber as her dog bed; apparently she is too good to sleep on the floor as well. She demands attention by lying on your face and eats everyones food. She is the cutest-chubby-small-headed dachshund you'll ever meet.


And then there is Timber.  We rescued Timber about five years ago after moving to our permanent home. Lily was in need of a companion/minion and Timber wanted the job.  He's a nice, gentle guy, that puts up with the girls and B. He likes to sleep 20 out of the 24 hours in the day and catch flies, bees, and mosquitoes in the summer time.  He is the brawn to the girls' brains.

Though the title might be deceiving, this blog is not all about our dogs, though they might be frequently talked about. I just wanted to share our likes and dislikes, things I have made, yummy foods and recipes, and some of our fun activities.  If you are wondering why this blog is entitled A Tale of Two Dachshunds it's because if you have ever had the privilege to have a small (or large) dachshund be a part of your life you know that you do not own your little badger dog- he or she owns you. This is a household ran by two small hounds- the rest of us just abide to their bidding, lol!